Official Plan


The goals of our Official Plan are to:

  • protect the identity and characteristics of the Township while providing opportunities for residential growth and appropriate economic development;
  • establish policies which manage and direct physical change and the effects on the social, economic and natural environment of the Towhship;
  • secure the health, safety, convenience and welfare of the residents of Morley Township;
  • ensure the Township’s resources are rationally used and both the natural and cultural heritage features are protected;
  • recognize the historical and cultural fabric of the Township and foster the rural lifestyle and quality of life experienced by the residents of the Township;
  • provide policies which will encourage the expansion and diversification of the local economic base;
  • provide policies that guide development that is compatible with the natural environment;
  • provide a guiding framework for implementing decisions of council, local boards, committees and other authorities;
  • provide Official Plan coverage throughout the Township; and
  • provide policies that have regard to the Provincial Policy Statement based in consideration of local conditions and circumstances.

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