Township of Morley
Welcome to The Township of Morley!
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Message From The Reeve
It is my pleasure, as Reeve of the Township of Morley, to welcome you to this website. Our community is known for its beautiful sunsets, clear water, majestic forests, mainstay farming and championship curling.
Whether you are a former resident or an interested traveler, I invite you to visit us to enjoy what we have to offer. Use some of our facilities such as the Morley Park on the Rainy River, the Millennium Hall, the curling rink or the playground. Attend some of our events such as the Stratton Fishing Derby on the May long weekend, the Fall Supper in October or one of our curling bonspiels.
In 2003, we celebrated our centennial and are well on our way to making history in our second century. We have many volunteers, residents and business owners who are working hard to keep the community a vibrant one.
If you would like to receive further information about anything that you have seen on this website, please do not hesitate to contact our Municipal Office or one of the contact persons noted throughout the site.