What You Can Do - Personal Preparedness
Prepare a 3 day Emergency Survival Kit.
Your kit should include:
- flashlight and batteries
- radio and batteries or crank radio
- spare batteries for radio or flashlight
- first aid kit
- candles and matches or lighter
- extra car keys and cash
- important papers (identification)
- food and bottled water
- clothing and footwear for each family member sufficient for three days
- blankets or sleeping bags
- toilet paper and other personal items
- medication
- whistle to attract attention if needed
- playing cards, games
- backpack or duffel bag to hold all of the emergency survival kit items
If an emergency occurs, listen to B-93 FM.
Communications difficulties are the #1 problem in emergencies. Emergency information and updates — including instructions on what you need to do, if anything — will be broadcast on B-93 FM. It is very important that phone lines (both cell and land) are not overwhelmed with calls since this could overload the systems to the point that emergency communications cannot get through.
Plan ahead and prepare now.
For example, if an ice storm knocked out power for three days during the winter, where would you shelter?
- Properly wired back-up power (ie. a generator) will allow your home to function in a power outage. If you don’t have back-up power, perhaps you could make arrangements to stay with a neighbour does. Or you or a neighbour may have a shop or garage with wood or another type of convection heat that would function as temporary living quarters if necessary.
- Identify a water source you could access if electric well pumps cannot run.
- Have a food supply on hand and a means to cook it — but, remember, if you use a barbeque, use it outdoors only.
- Camping lanterns or candles could be used as a light source.
- If you have special needs (ie. medical apparatus, no back-up heat, or limited mobility) and you will require assistance during an emergency, you could make arrangements with a relative or friend to assist you but please let the Municipal Office know you will need assistance so your name can be added to the list of people to check on. Do not wait until an event occurs to do this since phone lines could be down at that time.
- Transportation would be an issue if roads are closed. While sheltering in place is your best bet and normal travel would not be recommended, think about how would you deal with this. Many residents have snowmachines that could be used to check on and assist neighbours.